If the fire is not within a permanent outdoor fireplace/firepit, chiminea, portable outdoor fireplace/pit then an RFD permit is required. The operator is required to have a copy of the permit on-hand at all times. If there is no permit, the fire department will extinguish the fire and a citation may be issued.

Grills, Smokers, Chimineas, Portable Outdoor Fireplaces/Fire Pits (NO PERMIT NEEDED) are allowed provided all of the following conditions are met:
- The device is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- The device’s designed fuel loading is not exceeded.
- Domestic waste, rubbish or yard waste is not being burned. (see definition below)
- The fire is constantly attended until it is completely extinguished.
- Some means of immediate extinguishment is kept close at hand. Acceptable means of extinguishment
include a garden hose, a fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating, or dirt or sand with some means of
- Apartment buildings: The device is only allowed to be used on a porch/balcony if the porch/balcony is
fire sprinklered.
- Not allowed if we are under a Burn Ban.
All other outdoor fires are not allowed unless a permit is obtained from the Fire Department. In order to be eligible for a permit you must qualify for one of the exceptions to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality outdoor burning rules. TCEQ Rules...
RUBBISH - Garbage, refuse, paper, electrical insulation, treated lumber, plastics, non-wood construction/demolition materials, heavy oils, asphaltic materials, potentially explosive materials, chemical wastes, and items containing natural or synthetic rubber (tires), furniture, carpet, and other decayable and non-decayable waste, including vegetable matter and animal and fish carcasses. This would also include domestic waste such as kitchen garbage, cardboard boxes, packaging, and clothing. This would include leaves and other yard waste.